Tuesday, March 29, 2011

changing settings

by changing this setting it would let you insert more than one edge at a time.  The way the tool will work is that instead of applying one edge loop  it is going to apply 4 at a time. You can set the tool to add more than four or as manny you want.

Monday, March 28, 2011

new tools

The new tools we used today was the append to polygon tool in which that was the tool to create a shield.
All you had to do was select edit mesh and then append to polygon tool.

The other tool we used was was split to polygon tool. This tool was used to split the polygon into four and then into half.
To use the tool you have to go to edit mesh and then select split polygon tool.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

how am i going to create Emil's helmet

after finding the front and side picture I am going to set up a polygon and after tracing the picture front and back. I am going to model it and add some color.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

completed helmet

I learned on how to sketch a drawing in to a 3d image.
I learned how to smooth an 3D image by using the vertexes
I learned make and delete faces.

One challenge I had was when i was trying to bridge the to objects together and found out that it wouldn't.
Another challenge was when I was trying to align the to objects together.

Making a helmet can take time to make

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

odst model helmet

The helmet model we are currently doing in maya had some sudden problems  while creating a bridge to connect the helmet and front. the edges were not connecting even though each side had the same amount of edges to connect to in each side. we selected them in order and it did not work or moving the vertexes did not work either.